I would like to say I am back; however, as I have changed my blog address you have no idea I was ever here in the first place. Nevertheless this is my second foray into the blog world aside from some live-journaling with somewhat questionable intentions. Part of the reason why I don't have a blog is because I tend to find doing anything on a regular schedule a chore. And part of the reason is because what I feel like writing about tends to be so random I can't quite "genre-lize" my blog which makes me wonder who on earth would bother reading it? Although, if you are reading this at least one person has made it this far so consider yourself in rare company! Or lonely company, you could be my only reader.
I suppose my goal in having a blog this time around is somewhat two-fold. First, I'd like my blog to serve as a place to channel my own thoughts and share whatever is on my mind. Whether it's a book review, a recipe, something I'm listening to, a news story that caught my interest, something I'm struggling with, or excited about, or anything in between. I find writing to be cathartic and as I tend to always have a lot I want to say, and not always a lot of people that want to hear it, I'm hoping this allows me a place to vent for lack of a better word. If anyone reads it, great! If they comment, better! If not, my mind can at least be quieter knowing I have said what I wanted to say. And the second and ultimate goal of my blog would be to create a forum that fosters discussion and the dissemination of knowledge. I feel like there is a void missing in my real life that I am trying to fill in the Pseudolife. No, every post won't be something deep or intellectual but I am hoping that this blog will enrich my life and I would hope, although it sounds a bit egotistical, that it could evolve into something that would enrich the lives of my readers as well.
Now, well I feel like I really put a lot of pressure on this blog but truthfully I realize this is a rather haphazard introduction and has more than likely just served to demonstrate that I have no actual plan for the blog at all. I'm just going to write what's on my mind and let it evolve as it will, with the hope that over time something coherent will appear out of the chaos, or at least something worth reading.
I'll summarize this by mentioning, that the title of this first post comes from "Book The First" of A Tale Of Two Cities. I read the novel just a few years ago, rather later than most people probably do (if they read it at all). I believe it is standard high school reading for a lot of people but I was home schooled so my education was anything but standard...more on that later. Regardless, I adored the novel and of course Sydney Carton and that line stuck with me and felt like a fitting start to this chapter.
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