Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Phantom 9/80.

   I work a 9/80 theory.  For those that don't know, the typical 9/80 schedule is a 2 week period working 9 hour days Monday-Thursday and 8 hours every other Friday, the perk being you get the other Fridays off.  In actuality, I either can't manage to conform to that schedule and end up working some on my "off-Friday" to make up time, or putting in extra time on that Friday.  Rarely do I actually get my off-Friday off.
   I also work an hour away from home and spend 2 hours a day commuting.  So it's an 11 hour day and if you take lunch it can easily become 12 hours (I do attempt to fit in a run during lunch once in a while, although I've largely given up on actually going out to lunch) and obviously taking into account any errands or days I arrive late and busy times when I'm expected to work now, I'm really not home a lot.  Don't get me wrong, I certainly get satisfaction out of my job (I'm a software developer/engineer) but I wish I were better at doing it successfully and maintaining some semblance of balance in my life.  I'm not currently able to do all.  So if anyone has any tips please let me know.  I know getting in earlier would help and I'm working on's a challenge for me.  I'm not a morning person.  Never have been and doubt I ever will be.  So getting up early just makes everything seem harder.
   Anyway, sometimes I'd prefer being able to work a shorter day and getting home in time to actually do something during a week night without having to worry about making up that time.  It would be nice to have dinner with my husband, or see friends, or make it to my running group again, or actually cook dinner once in a while.  Even just a little extra time to do something productive so all my chores don't pile up for the weekends.  And I don't want to have to go to bed at 9pm because I have to get up so early.  I wonder what other 9/80ers think of the schedule.  Does anyone else out there have trouble with it? 

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